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Music and Mindfulness

with Samantha

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
                                 - Plato

Music and Mindfulness - Blog by Samantha
Click here to read Samanthas step by step guide on how to listen to music mindfully.

What is Mindfulness
“Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way on purpose in the present moment non judgementally”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness can:
* Reverse fight and flight response
* Train your brain to stay in the present
Improve regulation of emotions
Benefits of music and mindfulness
Healing with sound dates back to Acient Greece
Change at a cellular level can occur with sound.
Alpha is our resting state.
we will be in Alpha state by focusing on the music we are listening to

Wellbeing Mindfulness 101 : Terry Robsin
Dr Stan Rodski AntiStress

Mindful Music
Clink the links below to check out some of Samantha's favourite playlists of mindful music

Mindful music with Beethoven
Mindful evening music
Mindfulness and music for relaxation

Mindful Bingo

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